When people ask if I am a vegetarian, I usually respond with “yes….mostly.” Its just easier to say that I am a vegetarian, but in all reality I’m not. True, I don’t cook with meat hardly ever and I don’t really order it at restaurants. But there are the rare occasions where I do…
side dish
Pink Applesauce (Small Batch)
A few days ago I went apple picking with my husband and daughter and it was magical. We ate straight from the tree until we were sick and went home with a big bag of the most beautiful, delicious Suncrisp apples. They are the best apples I have ever eaten. We decided right away that…
Southwest Spaghetti Squash: Three Ways to Cook A Spaghetti Squash
I am such a hypocrite. Here I am writing a post about this wonderful and healthy vegetable, Spaghetti Squash, and guess what I am munching on? Chocolate chips. I just can’t keep them in my house. They don’t last. Its my new rule (starting… tomorrow). No buying chocolate chips until right before I need to…
Easy Baked Tempura Veggies
Sometimes I go a little crazy at the grocery store and buy too much produce. My favorite method of using up produce before it goes bad is to make baked tempura veggies. You can use almost any vegetable and it is really easy. I used to make more traditional tempura veggies where I mixed a…
Crock Pot Spinach Daal
When you hear the word comfort food, you probably think of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and chocolate chip cookies. I do too. I also think Indian food with fresh, hot naan bread. Sundays are curry day in our house. Almost every Sunday my husband throws together a curry while I read to him. We…
A Healthy St. Patrick’s Day Dinner: Asian Green Veggie Cakes with Spicy Mayo Dipping Sauce
My husband and I are pretty different personalities in the kitchen. I often cling to a recipe for dear life, never straying. He almost never uses a recipe. I have always admired the way he takes whole spices and grinds them himself to make curry, never peeking at a recipe. Its different every time,…
Southwest Eggrolls with Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Dipping Sauce (Vegan)
What happens when you really want to make enchiladas or burritos, but you are fresh out of tortilla’s? You make due with egg roll wrappers! That is what happened to me the other night. I had to get creative! These egg rolls are super tasty. They are filled with all sorts of healthy stuff like…
Loaded Sweet Potatoes with Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Sauce (Vegan)
I need to take a minute to gush, here. And I mean gush and rave and jump up and down with excitement. What could get me so excited? CREAMY ROASTED RED PEPPER SAUCE!!! Oh. My. Goodness. This stuff is amazing and addicting and I think I am drooling on the key board. Can I…
Deliciousness Across the Bloggosphere
I love cook books. I just love collecting them and flipping through them. One of my favorite things to do is sit down with a new cook book and put little tabs on all the recipes I want to try. I love cook books with lots of big, bright pictures. Perhaps that’s why I love…
Apple, Roasted Beet, Beet Greens and Kale Salad with an Apple Cider Vinaigrette
One of my very favorite things in the whole world is slowly walking through a farmers market. There is nothing better. I just love the freshly baked goods, the freshly picked fruits and veggies, the little handmade trinkets, the people-watching. Last week I caught one of the last markets of the season and went all…