When I heard that my favorite ice cream shop, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream had a new buttercup squash flavor for fall, I knew right away that I had to find myself a buttercup squash and make something out of it. I had never heard of buttercup squash before this year, but everything about it…
Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Sweet Potato Kale Stuffing
November is not my favorite month. The desolate, deserted trees,The faded earth, the heavy sky… (from My November Guest by Robert Frost) Perhaps because I’m still clinging to fall and November is so close to winter. Actually, I’m still clinging to summer. I’m still wearing my flip flops, not yet resigned to boots. My toes…
Kale Pesto
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! After eating way to much and a few days of left over pie for breakfast, I’m ready to get back to some healthy food! At least for a short time before Christmas goodies become too abundant. I am a huge fan of pesto sauce. All summer long,…
Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Parmesan Potato Tian with Red Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes
When people ask if I am a vegetarian, I usually respond with “yes….mostly.” Its just easier to say that I am a vegetarian, but in all reality I’m not. True, I don’t cook with meat hardly ever and I don’t really order it at restaurants. But there are the rare occasions where I do…
Pumpkin Bread French Toast
The other day, my husband and I were looking for a place to go out to eat. We are really indecisive about restaurants. I think we had already spent 30 minutes looking through online menus. I don’t remember where we went or what we got (must not have been that great), but I remember seeing…
Savory Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Mushrooms
Did you all see my Italian Stuffed Acorn Squash recipe a few posts ago? Do you remember how I talked about always having a random squash or gourd of some sort sitting on my counter in the fall and never getting around to baking it? Well, folks, the problem has escalated! I thought I was…
Pink Applesauce (Small Batch)
A few days ago I went apple picking with my husband and daughter and it was magical. We ate straight from the tree until we were sick and went home with a big bag of the most beautiful, delicious Suncrisp apples. They are the best apples I have ever eaten. We decided right away that…
Loaded Thai Sweet Potatoes
We go through so many sweet potatoes in my house. Almost every week I pack a baking sheet full of them and cook them up. My husband loves them and takes them to school with him to eat with his lunch. He is weird and will hold one in his hand and eat it…
Italian Stuffed Acorn Squash
Every fall I always end up with an assortment of random squash and gourds sitting on my counter top that I did not buy. Please tell me I’m not the only one who goes through this squash dilemma every fall. Half the time some one gives them to us because they are sick of them…
Grilled or Roasted Cauliflower Steak Burgers with Chimichurri Sauce
Happy Fall everyone! I feel like Fall snuck up on me. I am still having a hard time relinquishing summer. Where I live, the fall nip in the air has started making its presence known, but there are still quite a few hot days that feel like summer again. Some days all I want is…