Summer is coming!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband and I just planted out garden and we are super excited! We only have a tiny little amount of space on our back patio, so we filled it with herbs, a bunch of varieties of peppers, and a couple strawberry plants. Last year we had planted a bunch of tomatoes,…
Blood Orange Soda (Homemade Soda Tutorial)
Sometimes when I am walking through the soda section at a grocery store, I wish they sold really unique flavors like peach, pear, rhubarb, kiwi, blueberry, pomegranate, watermelon, apple, etc.. True, you can get these flavors at some specialty stores, but they aren’t your basic soda flavors. Well, did you know that it is actually…
Three Pea Spring Salad
I’m back!!!!!!!! I’m still recovering from mono, but I finally have the energy to be on the computer and make a post. Let me tell you, mono is long and hard. Don’t ever get it. You wont like it. I made this delicious, green, bright, springy salad before I got sick and I have been…
Katniss’s Favorite Lamb Stew with Dried Plums from the Hunger Games
Right now, a huge part of America (and maybe world) is not-so-patiently awaiting Friday March 23, 2012. The Hunger Games movie is coming out!!!! Click here to see the trailer. I read all the books very quickly when they came out and I quite enjoyed the first two (we wont talk about the third one)….
Irish Soda Bread (Spotted Dog)
Soda bread it a traditional Irish food, however my soda bread is modernized and Americanized. Actually most soda bread recipe’s you will see these days are not truly traditional. Click here to see a full explanation of a traditional soda bread. A traditional Irish soda bread has no sugar, eggs, or raisins and was probably…
Pesto Potato Pizza ( A St. Patricks Day Pizza)
Pin It In the last post, I taught you how to make fresh pesto. Today I’m going to show you something you can do with the pesto. I have been watching Worst Cooks in America on Food Network. In the show they take people who are awful cooks and train them in the kitchen. These…
St. Patrick’s Day Green Pesto Sauce
I love the color green. Green means life. Green means spring. Green means leprechauns. When I was little I totally believed in leprechauns. At recess every March, I would search the playground for signs of the little guys. Every time I would find a little bit of something green, like a bottle cap or a…
Mandrakes (Baked Potato Chips)
Once I was at my mother in-law’s house and she was baking thin slices of sweet potatoes. They looked and smelled so good. I think they lasted about 10 seconds. Ever since then, these thinly sliced potatoes baked with a little bit of salt has been a family favorite in our house. They have been…
Chocolate Chipotle Chili
If you read my previous post, you will know that I competed in a chocolate and chili cook off as a church activity. Every one brought either a chocolate treat or a chili. I brought one of each. Although, I kind of colored out side of the lines and threw a little chocolate into my…